Just about every night, we have a ritual called “14 minutes,
when after bath time is done, the teeth are brushed & the stories are read,
my wife and I each lie down with each one of our kids and discuss about our
days, tell stories or let them talk about whatever they want to. It was during this time, where my son & I
came up with the game. We would take
turns where one of us would speak Loshen Horah about some imaginary person and
the other person had to figure out how to respond. It went something like this:
Me (in a very silly kid voice): “Hey… did you see Frank (my
son doesn’t know anyone named “Frank”) today?
He’s so stupid. Let’s go make fun
of him and tell him that we’re not going to play with him.”
My son: “He’s not so bad.
I bet if we played with him more, we’ll really get to like him.”
Strategy: Direct rebuttal to try to diffuse the situation.
Me (still in a silly kid voice): “But Frank is so stupid,
let’s go call him stupid-head”
My son: “Him… let’s go play legos. The teacher brought in new ones for us to
play during recess and I want to build a fire station”
Strategy: Distraction.
The silly voice makes it fun for him. Since we started, we’ve expanded the concept,
and the voice, to the Yeitzer Horah Game.
Both games work and help me teach valuable lessons to my children.
The tougher question may be, how do I deal when adults speak
loshen horah to me?
What if the speaker is a community leader or Rabbi?
Does it make a difference if they’re speaking badly about an
individual person or another organization?
In the past week or so, I’ve had three cases where people
spoke or I observed loshen horah. Here’s
what I did:
1. Rebuttal – The first case was when someone (who’s a very
learned Jew) I know told me, individually, how another Jewish organization was
doing something that was against Jewish law.
I went to the mishneh berurah, and the matter wasn’t discussed, but
there was a hint that what the organization was doing was appropriate. I went back to the individual to show them
what I found and they were sticking to their guns. I told them that I didn’t know how this
organization was doing what they were doing, but the organization is made up of
good, G-d fearing Jews, and Jewish law requires me (and him) to make an
assumption that they are relying on a accepted ruling that neither of us have
learned and not that they are doing something wrong. The person reluctantly accepted the answer.
2. Distraction – The second case was where another Jew
(let’s call him Levi) that I know started speaking badly about an individual
Jew (let’s call him Shimon) and the organization that they were involved
with. This case was different, because
Shimon insulted Levi pretty badly on a very sensitive topic. I don’t know the whole story, but I know
enough to know that Levi has every right to be upset. Pirke Avos tells us that we shouldn’t try to
appease someone when they’re angry so I know that if I try to recommend that we
go hang out with Shimon or speak about Shimon’s good qualities, it’s going to
upset Levi even more. I quickly change the
subject to something else and the loshen horah ends for now.
3. Removal – I didn’t discuss this matter with my son,
because he’s in such a small class where the kids have to interact with each
other, but sometimes we just have to remove ourselves from the situation and
limit our interaction with certain individuals.
There’s a certain Jew that I know, who has many good qualities, but he’s
easily offended and can be demeaning to people who his bad side. I’ve known him for several years and have
always tried strategies 1 & 2 on him, but the situation hasn’t improved and
when I interact with him, I often come away feeling frustrated or upset. When we encounter someone like this,
sometimes the best choice is to exit the conversation and remove ourselves from
the situation.
When we read through Tanach, it’s sometimes very hard for us
to understand how so many people fell victim to the temptation of
idolatry. It seems so unappealing to us
that it’s not even a temptation at all.
The Rabbis tell us that after the destruction of the Beis Hamikdash (Holy Temple ),
the inclination of idolatry was removed from this world, but it was replaced
with the inclination to speak loshen horah.
It can be a very strong temptation to say someone negatively
about someone else, but we must all do our best to avoid it.
Excellent and VERY proud to learn from you every day